Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More common Than You Think

Joint Chiropractic - Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More common Than You Think
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Do you know about - Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More common Than You Think

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This health can cause many problems for sufferers, along with loss of grip and, of course, a great deal of pain. But what are its causes and is there a remedy?

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How is Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More common Than You Think

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Joint Chiropractic.

Thumb arthritis usually occurs after the age of forty and is more coarse in women than in men. The first indication of illness of thumb arthritis is usually pain experienced at the base of the thumb when gripping an object or when applying force - say to turn a key or open the lid of a jar. This form of osteoarthritis can make these easy household tasks difficult as it limits the compel and range of request for retrial of the thumb.

Other symptoms may include swelling, stiffness and tenderness at the base of the thumb, decreased compel when grasping objects, enlarged appearance or a 'bony' look to the base of the thumb and general pain and aching after use.

The exact cause of this health is unknown (in coarse with osteoarthritis generally) but the following factors are opinion to conduce to its development:

Being female
Having a job that puts high stress on the thumb joint
Having distinct hereditary conditions - joint ligament laxity, defective cartilage etc.
Having past injuries such as fractures or sprains to the basal thumb joint
Being over forty years of age
Having existing rheumatoid arthritis

The basal thumb joint allows your thumb its wide range of movement and consists of the trapezium (the small bone at the base of your thumb), the first metacarpal (the thumb's first bone) and the wrist's scaphotrapezio-trapezoidal joint (Stt).

In a general basal joint, cartilage covers the ends of the bone, acting as a cushion to let the bones glide smoothly over each other. In thumb arthritis, the cartilage deteriorates allowing the bone ends to rub and roughen - the main cause of pain.

Your body's attempts to mend the damage may lead to new bone growth (spurs), which are noticeable on the joint. Each of the mend steps also produces the pain commonly connected with this condition.

Although there is no cure for thumb arthritis, self-care measures do exist. These include specialised splints, prescribed medication or corticosteroid injections. In ultimate cases surgery may be the only way to gain a measure of relief.

It would seem then that there is no real remedy for thumb arthritis, any more than other general arthritic conditions, but that early diagnosis and medicine may serve to alleviate the worst symptoms of what can otherwise be a very debilitating condition. Changing lifestyle or work practices may help - any allowance of strain on the affected joint should bring some measure of relief. Too, adapting to the health by using aids to mobility or dexterity can help, alleviating some of the dissatisfaction that is often felt by sufferers of arthritis and allowing the man affected to withhold as much independence as possible. Exercise (as opposed to stressing) of the joint can also help to withhold its range of motion.

As with all healing issues, it is primary that you consult your physician if you intuit the onset of any form of arthritis.

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